Hi! I’m glad you’re here.


What I’m Writing.

Starting off 2022 with a bang! Querying my middle grade novel, The Bright Spot, and working on book two in the series.

I also occasionally blog about life, writing and other fun stuff — check it out.


What I’m Reading.

Adult fiction: Gemini: A Novel - Carol Cassella

This book seems to have a little bit of everything, and I’m here for it. The dual POV (and bouncing between past and present) is really effective for unwrapping mystery layers.

Kids fiction: Out of My Mind - Sharon M. Draper

Highly recommended by my kiddos and all of their friends… looking forward to reading Out of My Heart as well, which just came out in November!

Recommendations? Send them my way!


How to get in touch.

Email: amydietzwrites@gmail.com
Twitter: @amydietzwrites
Insta: @amydietzwrites 

Check out my bio to learn more about my writing story!

Let’s connect!
